Thursday, September 12, 2019

Physical activity and health and physical fitness and exercise Assignment

Physical activity and health and physical fitness and exercise - Assignment Example Research also shows, through obesity experts, that the modern phase of obesity epidemic is much associated with the reduced human activity brought about by the industrial development (Garry, Neeltje, & Klaas, 2001). To qualify the relevance of this theory, a research that was done in an Old Order Amish Community in North America proved that these people have a very high level of activity lifestyle, which was used to explain why they have low prevalence of obesity. This group of people does not drive automobiles, use electrical appliances, and they do not also employ other modern conveniences (David, Patrick, & Getrude, 2004). Regular exercise is a very important component of effective health promotion regimens, the only problem being the correct amount of exercise required daily as well as the correct daily caloric expenditure. There is an imbalance in lifestyle due to the technologically oriented conditions which allow unprecedentedly sedentary lifestyle (Boyd & Stanley, 2003). Ther efore, physical activity is very critical for a healthy living and through physical fitness and exercise, we can do away with lots and lots of unnecessary

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